RED CITIES - Forum for Large Cities

RED CITIES meeting is postponed to 2020
26. April 2019 10:00 Uhr


Postponement of RED CITIES meeting to 2020
Due to several national, regional and local elections which will take place in April and in May in addition to the European elections on 26 May and the commitments attached to them for many local representatives we have come to the conclusion to postpone our planned RED CITIES meeting to the beginning of 2020. We have had a number of very positive feedbacks on this project and are firmly convinced of the necessity of this platform for a regular exchange on current topics and challenges of concern to our cities. We will inform you on the new date of the meeting well enough in advance. We would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused by this postponement and look forward to your participation in this project in 2020.

For any further information on this project please contact

Peter Hamon
Deputy Secretary General
of PES Local | Socialist Local Representatives in Europe
c/o Bundes-SGK
Stresemannstr. 30
D-10963 Berlin
Tel.: ++49 30 25993 965

First RED CITIES meeting on 26th of April 2019 in Vienna - !Meeting postponed to 2020!

Dear friends,

From 23rd to 26th May 2019 elections for the European Parliament will be held in the European Union. With the European elections 2019 we want to win the trust of Europeans and open the way for a policy change in Europe with new majorities.

Social democracy stands for policies of solidarity and social cohesion. At the local level, social democracy is a force in numerous cities and municipalities. Especially in large European cities social democracy is, and remains, the strongest political movement. Among the 100 biggest cities in the EU, about half are led by socialist or progressive (PES) mayors. Social democracy is strongly anchored in cities ever since industrialisation. Especially workers and employees, and socially weak and disadvantaged people, could always rely on the fact that social democracy in cities is committed to providing appropriate solutions addressing their concrete problems.

Advancing globalisation, the European internal market and the technological transformation continuously change the framework conditions of local government policies and bring about new societal challenges. New answers must be found to new challenges. Local government policies, with their diversity, have an enormous potential for innovation. Every day new ideas and solutions are found to improve the quality of life of people in our cities. In order to use this potential as effectively as possible, it is important for us to exchange our experiences and solutions. That, too, is socialist and progressive tradition. There are no simple general solutions for successful policies in cities, as Europe is too diverse and local conditions are very different. However, new ideas can provide incentives for tackling current challenges.

With a conference of socialist representatives of European cities on 26th of April 2019 in Vienna, PES Local, the network of Socialist Local Representatives in Europe, and the SPÖ Group in the Vienna City Council, alongside its partners from the PES family, want to provide the impetus for a regular exchange on current topics and challenges of concern to our cities. At the same time, we will have the opportunity to get to know each other better and build up a network. We would be delighted if you attended our first exchange of experience in Vienna on 26 April 2019 where we want to deal with the subjects "Affordable Housing for All" and "The Future of Public Services". Do participate! We count on many of you coming.

Fraternal regards

Christophe ROUILLON                Dr. Michael LUDWIG
President von PES LOCAL              Chairman of the SPÖ Vienna
Mayor of Coulaines / F                   Mayor of Vienna / A



Peter Hamon
Deputy Secretary General
of PES Local | Socialist Local Representatives in Europe
c/o Bundes-SGK
Stresemannstr. 30
D-10963 Berlin
Tel.: ++49 30 25993 965

Venue: Vienna
Wiener Rathaus (Vienna City Hall; Lichtenfelsgasse 2, A-1082 Wien)